Homecoming (elw-hom2.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 10th Jul 1999
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Your Comments
What can I say to this great, fantastic, super, ... music.
Everything is absolutely great. Sorry for only 10 points to this arresting piece of music!
How's it possible that I've missed this Elwood tune among all the others? Gotta be the only Elwood tune that wasn't in my playlist yet! It differs a bit from his style, it's really great nevertheless! I really enjoy the samples and the panning. Just like always with Elwood's tunes: NEED MOAR BASS! :-D
if that what the american Homecoming is, than it's great. this tune, with a style which's unwanted from Elwood, produces a great impression and influence. flowing, full of dreams about future and love, and on and on... 31st's A+ Rating Submitted
Stunning. What a great piece of synth music. Yet another example of Elwood's ability. It's got depth and superb samples for it's time.
This is an absolutly beautiful song. The light, fantasy like melody takes you through a new world of endless possiblities and mystery. If you're a dreamer, then this song's for you. It moved me incredibily, but ,of course, I've come to expect nothing less from Elwood. Although only 8-bit samples were used in this song, they're very powerful and arranged extreamly well. The patterns that the author uses are very complex, but flow flawlessly to produce a very smooth, and atractive sound.
Internal Texts *
- Homecoming - by: *-Elwood-* This song was finished in 12th May 1998. It's inspired by and dedicated to my girlfriend, Sari. Greetings to everyone! And thanks for e-mails See ya! (C) 1998 Jussi Salmela Ensovln1.wav Ensomass.wav Ensobson.wav Snare1.wav Bongo3.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
really cool ambient ballad tune. one of the unusual xm works from elwood. could be a soundtrack to a movie.