Wanderlust - Leviathan (K_wander.s3m)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 18th Jun 2016
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Another cool track from Leviathan. One thing that impresses me about this guy's tracks is the level of detail and attention put into the drums and percussion. Really good use of samples even if the piano sound could be a little better.
Nice Jazzy/Mellow song! One of the best (and also the firsties) modules i have heard!
High quality samples (also if there are at 8 bits), and a enjoyable sound, can be the key for a good time!
Wanderlust is a wonderful song. The beginning guitar samples are wonderfully used, the drum track accentuates the music wonderfully, and the melody throughout the song is really good as well (especially from 1:13 to 1:40). The only thing holding this song back from excellence is that it really does not provide a feeling of amazement. It is very well done, but there are no drop-dead amazing sections. I wouldn't be surprised to hear this song on a soft-rock station sometime, however. The first thing that caught my attention were the quality of the samples. The drum kit blended nicely with everything, adding to the piece. The melody samples were clean and were well worked to make a nice melody. I have always admired composers who take the time to add a "swing" element to their music, because it is more time consuming than a straight beat in a tracker.
Internal Texts *
Wanderlust by Leviathan - Ren/Kosmic 4th place in the Music Compo 3 A Kosmic Release Email: d2_mcs.com Samples from: Force 10 [Drums] Unknown [1,4,20,27,30] Original [9,14-17] Info: As the mc3 deadline approached, I was torn between writing a typical demo-style song (which are traditionally the compo-winners) or actually writing what I wanted. Well, I decided to have myself a little fun and came up with this mellow/jazzy piece. Email me with comments, suggestions, feedback, or anything else. I appreciate it. - Leviathan -
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I wish it was a bit longer, because this is so good. Nothing else to add as all others have had their say :)