LandoftheGods-Norg(1 (n-gods.xm)
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Land of the Gods <><><><> by |N|O|R|G 16/02/1999££££££££££££ Greetings flyyy to: *bil+kez - *the kkd -RS -BTG -DM -OBL *helltrot (i suppose) *the following tracker s have helped me establish a foothold in this backstabbing business: -Opinash -Damien Blond -Orion (who's instru- ments i hoard) errrm...that's it!!! i did it all on my lonesome self <sigh>- *This song is fairly short (3:20 or so). *I am trying to make a series of similar sty- led mods, designed to add a bit of genre- imity (that's not a word) to SCHUTT AM. Poooor KKD site. This is the first song since Aerial Inebra that i have not rel- eased as a KKD guy. The KKD factory is shutting down, but the site will remain active (hooooray). I tried to do somethin g different with the name and all but i failed to inspire any patriotism or pride within the members towards the group. _At best we'll think of a new name and start again. _At worst we will just finish *end *kaput.... Ooooh i am so saaad. BUT there IS an upside : : : : : : : -- The placeland interest group will sooooon be on the net!!! kkdurl: plcelnd: ????????? (haven't got one yet) (haven't even started on the site) (haven't even got any members) *should you love this song OR hate it, don't hesitate to e-mail me: //////norg\\\\\\ _____________________ mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmw _i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_ åÅåÅåÅåÅåÅåÅåÅåÅåÅåÅåŠ֣ģ֣ģ֣ģ֣ģ֣ģ֣ ££££££££££££££££££££££
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
A synth rich tune that has some very nice melodies and good drumming. Especially the melodies in the ending were good. Also vocal samples were used nicely, not too much, but just a bit to make the tune sound richer. The ending was a bit weak. Samples fit in quite nicely, and the arrangement was good. Good effect use on the drumming. This tune has a lot of atmosphere, a fine selection.