Electronicus (mrgelec.xm)
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-=[SoF]MrGamer=- -^ Andreas Rohdin ^- Pulse 2 Pulse 3 Pulse 4 Pulse 5 Pulse 6 Pulse 7 Pulse 8 "Classic"ChipBass0 Bass2 Bass Drum 5 High Hat Closed 5 303.Snare HiClos1 Lead "Classic"ChipBass1 Saw Ft2Noise :) "Classic"ChipBass2 -> I have been experimen- ting alot with these chip samples lately and i have been getting a real taste for it. I 've actually been doing chip for the past 2 months now. Its is really strange, i am starting to forget how to make conventional tunes! They all start soundin g crap! :) -> Hope you enjoy this tune.. I put alot of effort in to it.. In case you did not notice, i have used exatly the same samples in this song as in it brother song "Dampryx" have a Durgh time now! Vjatjezlav sez "vill du ha vĂ¥rd?" E-Mail: Mr_Gamer_HotMail.Com ICQ:15854945 Pulse 0 Pulse 1 HiClos1.Xi Ft2.exe
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Great upbeat chiptune. The best of the two worlds of chiptunes and dance music.