Shooting star (SHOOTING.XM)
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Elwood did it again. A nice dance track with lots of melodies, sequencers, background voices, and professional drums. Earcandy. Aside from all professionalism and outstanding tracking skills from Elwood, I cannot give this tune a perfect 10.0 rating. The ending is too abrupt and the melodies aren't as catchy as in his other tunes. All in all, it's still a very good tune. The samples aren't so good. Only 8-bit an kinda noisy at some parts, but they were cleverly used within the tune. There are many stereo and other fx to be found. If you're a fan of Elwood, go and download this tune to complete your Elwood archive on your hd. :)
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An epic and cheerful tune featuring some nice synth samples. Well balanced and tracked. Definitely has some really catchy and groovy bits. The ending is a bit sudden which leaves me with the impression of wanting more.