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put the wrongthings right (right.it)

Info Summary

  • right.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.04MB in size and has been downloaded 7854 times since Mon 31st Dec 2001 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 55279
  • Downloads: 7854
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 3bea55bc9e05c70623c1c25ac32c74c8
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 57
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.04MB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by christofori on Tue 2nd Apr 2002, rated 8 / 10.

This is a pretty cool song that seems to keep building and building until the very end. It's pretty upbeat, once it gets going; but at the beginning there's a really nice ambient/atmospheric section. There are one or two small voice samples from The Matrix in this one, but as short as they are and that they are not instrumental (and the song isn't based on or around them at all, really) I cannot say that it is a bad thing. Really, though, the sections of this song really fit together well, all of the transitions are handled nicely. The samples also sound really good. Technically, there are a lot of really good things happening in this track.. The tracking was all done quite well, and the effects the artist used have been done very well. At the beginning of the track, the artist uses a very slow tempo/speed for the pattern, which I have not often seen. It is effective in saving space in the track's patterns. The samples used sound good, though some of them have loop points which are barely audible (at the end of a decay, for example) and aren't really needed. A few of the samples use volume envelopes, and they are well made. The panning in this track, when present, is both done well and effective. Overall, this is a well made track! (note: I am not sure if this is the same artist that has an artist page here, but I included it as well just in case.)

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Info Internal Texts *

To Put The Wrong Things Right

Originally done for a wild demo for Mekka 2001, but unfortunately, this
tune was lost somewhere in cyberspace (ask Nema for further details) and
the wild demo got another music.

Ah well, the song title and the waves: (I had to remove the matrix wave
cause it became too big..)
Yes, it's meant serious:
"Unfortunately, no one can be told, what the matrix is,
you have to see it for yourself. To make the wrong things right."

I think, there are very many wicked thinkings about God and the world
and everybody speaks what everybody says.. (me included btw..) so for
me that's a big point: To get the wrong things right..

(well, honestly, I don't think I can change the world with a module, and
all the modules with this deep thoughts in it didn't change my life in any
meaning.. but.. well, I have hope.. :)

Thanks for inspirations go to "Blue Lunar Vortex" who did a great job with
"Euphoria/Existence" => helped me to do a more straight ahead techno song.

MANY greets fly to Wildcard, Nema, Asc, Shade (very cool..), Naz (still
the TV-kid :) he even models this tv screens..), Xerxes (still my
favourite composer).

Then thanks to the Buenzli organisers to keep running this great parties.
You make my life much easier - I just can come and relax and meet all the
people..) Honestly, I don't have that much interest to keep the scene
running. Actually, I don't think that I will do more in the future than
now.. two tracks per year are enough for me.. :) I even think this is the
last track on Impulse Tracker 2.. cause I desperatly wait for Impulse
Tracker 3!!


Put TheWrong Things Right

phred / nowadays

_ Maz
_ Maplel(from 'the crow')
_ Hunz
_ Maz
_ Blue Lunar Vortex
_ ???
_ Sunbeam
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Distorted Reality (cd)
_ Blue Lunar Vortex
_ Xhale
_ Xhale
_ keith303 (?)
_ Xhale
_ Sunbeam
_ Maz
_ Maz
_ Maz
_ Maz
_ Maz
_ Maz
_ Xhale
_ Xhale
_ Xhale
_ Xhale
_ Xhale
_ Xhale
_ Xhale
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Yamaha CS1x
_ Maz

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