Present Light (present.s3m)
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Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 3rd Jun 1999, rated 9 / 10.
I can imagine this music being very nice to dance to, but I enjoyed listening to it. (Eventhough I did NOT dance :) There are some variations here and there, the music does speed up and slow down from time to time. I also found the music very easy to listen to. The instruments are very well sampled, all of them are crisp. The stereo seperation is nicely taken care of. And my subwoffer did not blow up my room ;) The bass was nicely done.
I can imagine this music being very nice to dance to, but I enjoyed listening to it. (Eventhough I did NOT dance :) There are some variations here and there, the music does speed up and slow down from time to time. I also found the music very easy to listen to. The instruments are very well sampled, all of them are crisp. The stereo seperation is nicely taken care of. And my subwoffer did not blow up my room ;) The bass was nicely done.
Internal Texts *
major chord minor chord kickdrum snare snare claps ride hihat open hihat closed hihat closed bassliner stringz bassliner flute mid tom "Present Light" (c) Poison Mick Ivy 7 minutes, 38 seconds The last journey. so from now on, my feet are fused to solid ground once more no more travelling, no more trips to unknown parts of anything worth tripping to.. :) Okay, so that was it. the journeys series is completed as music disk made from 8 tunes. ML&BR;a journey (1) Vertical plains of rising Midsummer Moonlight (3) Solarflare Whiplash (4) Spectral Formation (5) Periodic Expansion (6) Beating the Odds (7) Present Light (8) A total playing time of 59 minutes and 59 seconds. and a proud 59 minutes and 59 this series is! This is by far the best series yet! if you want to contact me, mail me at: or visit my website : http://ourworld.compuserve. com/homepages/kamermans you'll find info on my tunes and some graphics which I made during my lifelong experience with 3D Studio from Autodesk. I'm sorry to say there stil isn't any website with my musix on it, but I'm still looking to get some musix archive or collective to feature my tunes.,. so far, I can only say : enjoy the series, and we'll be back with more in the future! -PmI ERD set on friday 23rd of may, 1997. 1 day after my birtday!!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Another masterpiece by Poison Mick Ivy - Some may find it repeative, but I think that this is a really great tune - nice melodies here and suitable for background playback ;)