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Emerald Isle Set (w-eis.it)

Info Summary

  • w-eis.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.64MB in size and has been downloaded 5900 times since Tue 2nd Mar 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 59934
  • Downloads: 5900
  • Favourited: 10 times
  • MD5: 88e990a196ae48c5e3b938a5591bbfcc
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 30
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.64MB
  • Genre: Folk

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Arne Puszelski on Mon 6th Dec 2010, rated 10 / 10.

Celic influence on it's best. Great composition with great feeling, melody and dynamic! Only great!

member Posted by a-lin on Fri 5th Feb 2010, rated 10 / 10.

The previous comment says it all, but it is, to my opinion, seriously under rated. Only complain the end is not as outstanding as the song itself but it still deserves a 10, to my personal taste anyway.

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Wed 2nd Jun 1999, rated 6 / 10.

Two words: Light and fluffy. It reminds me of a Nintendo game in parts with a very bouncy feel (like Mario Bros.). It's exactly what you would expect out of an Irish song. You can see the bearded acordianist bouncing along on the grassy hilltop while listening to this one. There's not a whole lot of variation in this mod but it's a bright and overall good-feeling song. This mod was mixed very well. All of the beats fall together like you would expect out of Semi-Pro tracker. There was good separation of the major parts of the song and the voices flowed together very well. Overall, this mod is well-done technically.

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Info Internal Texts *

                                ___ ..  . .  .
                    .  . -  the Emerald Isle set    _,-
                                   .   .   ..- -~

                                 - Warder -


         They were leaving for a better land, they were told. Hunger,
        povetry and despair would be all they left behind. Yet, there
        was little joy in the hearts of the irishmen who gathered on
        crowded decks to watch their beloved Emerald Isle sink slowly
        beneath the horizon.

         It was a refreshing concept to be able to live by one's own
        wits and strenght once again, instead of relying on blind luck
        and hope. Yet the home island haunted their thoughts, like
        a mother reluctantly sending her offspring out to the world.

         Not a single one of the immigrants leaved Mayflower's deck
        until after the morning mist finally veiled Eire from sight.


         Now that I have prepared my audience with the new-ageish
        feadanaigh epic, I can finally track some authentic Irish

         Note that it's a set; before you complain about the lack
        of coherent structure, consider that it's actually a set of
        separate tunes, not a single one.

         Are you up to some semi-flames?

         Since most contemporary music is homophonic in nature,
        chording systems derivated from classical polyphonic theory
        theory are absurd, especially the voicings. The parallel-fifth
        ban is nothing but a key to create choral parts that are easier
        to *sing*. Who is going to sing your pad sections?

         In my opinion, the moves that really should be avoided are
        parallel octaves between lead and bass, and more than one parallel
        third movements at once.

         Classical general bass and harmony don't work with a separate
        lead melody; they cover only polyphonic music, where each
        voice is equal, and the melody is formed of all the voices

         Using classical voicing along with modern homophonic lead
        creates an overflow of thirds, intervals that are very dissonant
        in nature, though beautiful. They tend to cloud the general
        harmony spectrum, muffling the leads.

         You should never listen to chords by themselves; look at the
        general picture they form with bass and lead melodies.

         Since I tend to like homophonic music, and dislike the sound
        of conventional chords in that music, I need something a bit
        different, hence this method of harmonizing. Check on my
        pages for more thoughts on the subject.

         If you are into truly polyphonic music (no one in the scene
        has ever tracked such a piece I have heard) then I advise
        sticking with general bass. Multi-part leads are a primitive
        form of this technique, so basic counterpoint should be observed.

         The general point of this babble is that you should *never*
        follow a rule you don't feel comfortable with or think you
        understand. My snorts to everyone who writes theory tutorials
        without explaining whys along with hows.

        - Warder


        Everyone I forgot
        Trackers worldwide

Bodhran 1
Bodhran 2
2 Row Melodeon
Loud Whistle
Soft Whistle
Celtic Fiddle
Drone Dn
Drone Up
Em11 Up
EM11 Dn
Gnon3Add9 Up
Gnon3Add9 Dn
B9non3 u
B9non3 d
F9 u
F9 d
Cadd9 u
Cadd9 d

Anon3 d
A7non3 u
A7non3 d
C5/D u
C5/D d
Horn Section
Orchestra Brass
Orch Bass
Moody Strings
Bass Sun
Acoustic Guitar


If my style gets a bit
more like Bill Whelan's,
I might as well change
my name.
# Vesa Norilo (Warder)
# (C) Crystalline 1998

# Synth sounds from     #
# Korg Trinity          #

# Acoustic sounds are   #
# Howard low D whistle  #
# and Landola Acoustic  #

# Sampled via ART Tube  #
# PAC and Shure SM58    #

# Timpani is a ViperMAX #
# MIDI Patch            #

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