s t o r m l o r d'01 (strmlord.xm)
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Magnificent composition, but unfortunately places tools clash from each other, that spoils a general impression, especially it is appreciable in the beginning of a track.
Excellent tune, it has nice samples and a good progression. Concerning the Genre "Demo Style"... this tune was not used in a demo :)
Internal Texts *
--- STORMLORD t i t l e r m x . xm . 8-bit version . duration - 6'52 . original c64 music . composed by . Johannes Bjerregaard . of Maniacs of Noise . remixed by Cirdan . of Paradise Dreams . on 4.2.2001 . email cirdan_c64.org . www pdreams.cjb.net . there's also an mp3 version available . comments Oh god, over a year since I have released a C64 remix. But now I'm back.. enjoy :-) . greets Apple . Anvil . TLF . KCX . luoti . MyVoice . Aragorn . dedicated to All the C64 music fans out there !! TJ 53 smp by Spiral smp by Spiral sample by Groovie/Wildside SMP by MeloD/ HBEee
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Nice rendition of Johannes Bjerregaard's C64 music. I get the feeling some small parts are slightly off-tune though.