Sun Symbolizing Song (sunss.xm)
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Sun Symbolizing Song By Nitzer Length : 2:42 Style : Ambient,Synth Contact Me By E-mail : Bass043.smp Bass040.smp Snare014.smp Bass001.smp Hihat009.smp Hihat007.smp Strin021.smp
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This music is good. There is nothing wrong with it tune wise. It's one of those "You hear 15 seconds of it you have heard it all" things. Other than that it's quite good. It seems to have an acordian sound to it too. The Fx didn't impress me. The samples wern't as hot as they could be. Nothing to special. On the other hand using what Nitzer had.. He did a very good job. It would make nice web page music becuse it's smallish.