Whispers Escaped (whispers.it)
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Piano, wahwah by Bludd Piano, wahwah by Bludd Do-voice Chord Monsterbass Pre/post loop cut bass Mike's Lead Mike's Vibrator (teehee!) Fat (alas noisy) beat Snare Closed hihat Crash cymbal Reversed cymbal Thingy Thingy Open hihat Moog Bass Guitar "Whispers Escaped" remix of Fiskefusk's cover of Mike Oldfield's original: "Source of Secrets" This version was originally arranged and orchestrated by Fiskefusk Messed up, slowed down, slightly rearranged and cured of all symptomes of pattern repitition syndrome by Bludd. As you may have already understood, this is a co-op. Be sure to play it with interpolation ON or else the wahwah'ed piano will sound like a cat being strangled. And that way you won't have to clean up the mess in the sofa afterwards. majbludd_hotmail.com - Samples from Fiskefusk's synth, www.maz-sound.com and a samplepack for GroovyCompo (which is no more, I'm afraid). The soundfonts are from www.soundblaster.com -
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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