the bell (xr-bell.xm)
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Most excellent! Sounds like a silly new age song at first, but then the drums and wierd-ass vocals kick in, and you know it's Xerxes speaking. I want to have his children. This is beautiful music. Oh... what can I say? Xerxes is a wizard. Download all Xerxe's music and listen to it! Every second of it is Xerxes saying "I am terrific. Listen to my terrific samples and my beats and my harmonies." There's about a dozen different well-executed samples in the song, including a freaky vocal that gets all torn to pieces by a tone modulator. Very cool.
Internal Texts *
x e r x e s the bell (c) night55 e-mail see sampletext for sample credits thanx to ron for giving me this idea hope to see ya in night55 greetings scirocco px ron rage mystical jogeir elemental stein axl k8to diablo wave zodiak velluv dennisc draggy gnosis mickrip elwood all on #trax take care date october ninth nineteen ninety seven karina f o r e v e r end sampled by xerxes sampled by xerxes sampled by gnosis sampled by gnosis sampled by xerxes sampled by gnosis sampled by xerxes sampled by wave sampled by xerxes sampled by xerxes
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
One of my favourite modules, a great ambient / trip-hop tune by xerxes!
The vocals are sooooo nice and well, xerxes' style is really nice :) Cool pads and drums are always nice to listen to! This is a real masterpiece!