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(* For a Friend *) (xr-frnd.xm)

Info Summary

  • xr-frnd.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 862.62KB in size and has been downloaded 3196 times since Fri 29th Jan 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 62896
  • Downloads: 3196
  • Favourited: 4 times
  • MD5: 6f6e5035cfbc21e17c46f53184af3d98
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 22
  • Uncompressed Size: 862.62KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Ambient

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Mon 19th Jul 1999, rated 7 / 10.

This song sounds great, but it's obviously exploratory; It has the sound of a lot of really good techniques, both technically and musically, with little attention to theme or tone. Doesn't really settle down and take a course. Ooh! It sounds great! All the induvidual samples are beautiful. I liked the comb-on-a-table sound. Not a lot of variation in the beat, but that's okay for a mellow song like this.

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Info Internal Texts *

     "For a Friend"

      n i g h t  5 5

Great samples by:
- Rage
- Basehead
- Mellow-D
- Jogier Liljedahl
- Glitch

  *- This song is -*
  *- dedicated  to-*
  * S C I R O C C O *

This song was made
(in a bit of a hurry)
for the JADE m-disk!
Special greetz go to:
- Glitch
- Gryzor
- VelluV
Greetz go to:
- Spetsnaz
- Trixter
- Leviathan
- Rage
- Basehead
- Pyro
- Static
- Aztech
- Archon
- Vinyl
- Freelance
- DennisC
- DD
- Ior
- GD
- and all the ppl
- i know on #trax

contact me:

Remeber, we are
all responsible for
keeping the scene
alive!  Never take it
for granted!

Take Care!

-xerxes (2.18.96)

Thanx for being
a friend and a
great musician!
I O U big-time!


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
