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Chaos [Xaimus Darkmix] (traxorxl-xaimus-chaosdarkmix.it)

Info Summary

  • traxorxl-xaimus-chaosdarkmix.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.19MB in size and has been downloaded 2361 times since Fri 28th Feb 2003 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 64205
  • Downloads: 2361
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 6d39c2163e6c51facdc196c572925c3e
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 42
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.19MB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

  • None, yet!

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by christofori on Tue 15th Apr 2003, rated 7 / 10.

Okay.. I must be honest. I am NOT a trance fan! However, this tune caught me off guard. Quite off guard really. The tune has your typical trance elements in it, but it also manages to morph into several different representations of itself. It's based on two-pattern segments; every two patterns you get a new idea of some sort. There are several breakaway sections where some really cool things start to happen. Now, as the artist himself mentions, the tune repeats quite a bit (it is 10 someodd minutes long) but still there are only a few points where I get the feeling that I've heard the idea before. The artist does a pretty good job keeping the level of interest going, though there are those times when the ideas are the same that do start to get a little old. Technically there's some good things going on in several places. VST effects have been used. Some mid-level effects as well in several places (mid-level meaning effects that are used well and not everyone uses them all the time). The samples used sound great in the song, but you can really start to hear some of the loop points (they could be better). Also, there are some great choices for volume and panning envelopes, and a really cool/effective filter envelope (on instrument number 30). Overall, it's a trance tune with a good amount of material which can keep the listener interested throughout most of the song; but it has a few moments where some slight improvement would make the whole tune sound even better.

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Info Internal Texts *

                         __        __                            __
                         \  \     /  /                          |  |
                          \  \   /  /                           |  |
   _                       \  \_/  /                            |  |
 _| |_                      \     /                             |  |
|_   _|   ____    ____      /  _  \      ____    ____   __  __  |  |
  | |    / ___|  |___ \    /  / \  \    /    \  /  __|  \ \/ /  |  |
  | |_   | |     /    |   /  /   \  \   |    |  | |      |  |   |  |____
  \___|  |_|     \____/  /__/     \__\  \____/  |_|     /_/\_\  |_______|

                              [ x a i m u s ]

"Chaos [Xaimus Darkmix]"

as other players may not recognize the
newfangled resonant lowpass filters, or may
play them gimpily like stupid mikmod.
Oh yes, this song uses DirectX Media Objects.
So, this song will not sound right in anything
other than ModPlug Tracker.  So! Either get
ModPlug Tracker, or listen to the Mp3/Ogg
(available at http://traxorxl.vze.com/). If you
use Linux, you can try messing with WineX to make
it work... ;)


This is my mix of XAVT's excellent
"Chaos - Tohu vavohu", which you may have
read about in his song comments.  It has some
of his older melodies in it, and it lacks
some of his newer, good sounding ones.  I think
it's still okay, though.  It repeats a lot... :/

I do think I managed to do this without doubling
any channels either... yay for me.

If I used one of your samples without giving
credit, e-mail me at xaimus_hotpop.com and I
will put an update on my site.
Sorry if I did!

Greetings to:
DJ Bourg
XAVT (You rule)
Pete_H (that remix is coming)

tempo:  140bpm
speed:  3 frames per row
style:  Psytrance? Goa? Not sure.
length: 10:33

[ x a i m u s ] ( t r a X o r x L )

prec: bassdrum
prec: snare
prec: hihat closed
prec: hihat open
prec: annoying hat thingy
prec: conga 1
prec: conga 2
prec: conga 3
synth: plucked bass
prec: iron hat
synth: acidy
sfx: resonance
synth: droning bass
prec: crash
sfx: boom
prec: snare 2
synth: sweep synth
synth: saw string
synth: sweep pad
sfx: chirpy thing
prec: hihat loop
prec: ride
sfx: grand rise
vox: world gateway
vox: evil thing
vox: human inspiration
sfx: bad scrat
sfx: metal snap
sfx: what's up there
synth: neat synth thing
synth: square
unknown (stereoified)
Dance eJay 2
ACE (stereoified)
Paul (stereoified)
unknown (stereoified)
unkown (stereoified)
Dance eJay 2
Dance eJay 2
Dance eJay 2
Dance eJay 2

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
