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The Peace Within (the_peace_within.s3m)

Info Summary

  • the_peace_within.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 670.83KB in size and has been downloaded 1215 times since Mon 31st Jan 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 70097
  • Downloads: 1215
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 0db480499e317f57e61a4ec9923180c8
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 670.83KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Roz on Sat 31st Jul 2010, rated 8 / 10.

A guitar orientated mod with a really nice tone and a haunting main melody that stays with you. Repeats a bit early in the song but has a great climax lead break in the middle. Some of the percussion could have been better but overall this song is very good and well worth a listen.

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Info Internal Texts *

A         ╓╥╖            by
Mach One   ║║╓╖╓╖      Liam
Release    ║╟╜║╟╜       the
           ╨╨ ╜╙╜   lemming
 ╓─╖         ╓  ╖■╓ ╖  ■
 ║ ║╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╖ ║  ║╖╟─║╓╖╖╥╖
 ╟─╜╟╜╓╢║ ╟╜ ║╓╖║║║ ╟╜║║║║
 ╨  ╙╜╙╜╙╜╙╜ ╙╜╙╜╨╙╜╨ ╜╨╜╜
Originally finished 10/5/95
The original of this tune
was all wrapped up within a
week. There was only ONE
guitar sample, though - the
loud twangy sample from

It sounded 'orrid! :(

Anyway, I couldn't remember
if I'd released it or not.
I think I meant to, but
what probably happened
instead was I put it in my
c:\music\finished directory
before u/l'ing it. DOH! %I

Then, like a total idiot, I
stuck it on my web page! =O

To my relief, it's never
found its way to cdrom.com
so I can forget it ever
existed. ;) Especially as
I've done this version,
which is, amazingly, one
the best tunes I've ever
done. :D

The reason? Well, I changed
more or less every sample.
I grabbed all the Washburn
acoustic samples and the
high acoustics from Big
Jim's "Dreaming Of Foreign
Skies", slammed 'em in and
practically ended up
rewriting the whole thing.

And it's been worth every
minute spent on it. =) If I
didn't think -someone- out
there had a copy of the
original (well, you can't
help but wonder), I'd have
entered THIS in MC4. Ho
hum. :}

Greets, then. Yo's to Mach
One (aMUSiC and Welti) of
coz. :) Huge greets also to
the regular Trackering gang
cos I get good practice out
of competing with 'em :),
and big w00ps to everyone I
know from #trax who isn't
lame. ;)

URL: http://www.cms.livjm/

No more room! Argh! Bye for
           Liam the lemmi
══════Sample Credits:════
Phat bass drum (some synth)
Reverb Snare [Nemesis]
Long hihat [SoundWave]
Bass (Dust To Dust)
Flute (Catch That Goblin)
Harp [Markell Moss]
Flanged Synth (Click)
Rimshot [SoundWave]
ElecGuitar from DustToDust
Hi Piano (Basehead)
Cymbal Tap [SoundWave]
══Washburn guitar samples══
 by Leviathan,  taken from
 Emerald Visions  (which I
 christened =) ) and which
  are all FAR too big. ;)
═Guitar Fret  samples from═
(Dreaming Of) Foreign Skies
        by  Big Jim

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
