Insideout (inside_out.s3m)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 18th Dec 2011
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A very nice tune by Purple Motion. Not my favorite, but maybe my expectations are just too high when I see PM's name pop up.... But nonetheless a very cool tune.
Good piece all around. One of the best S3Ms I have heard in quite a while!!
A very special module with its own atmosphere going on. I'm not particularly fond of the genre, but I can guess the amount of work and skills it must have required.
Indeed a very great and sweet tune. I like the very melodic atmosphere, the leads are simply superb. The beginning is already very promising, and the following melodies really keep the tune on an excellent level. Well done!
my PM's favourite, i like it even more than 2ndreality, charts overdrive or satellite one...
This song is very well done. It never gets too repetitive, and sounds very inspiring. Good transistions between the patterns are made. The song is very loopable. This is an excellent tune, I think it was released with the original launch of Scream Tracker 3 :) Some of the samples don't sound too good, while others sound very good. Kind of a mixed bag sometimes. As usual, PM makes good use of the stereo, and the samples are diverse. Instead of being variations of a certain sound.
Internal Texts *
Purple Motion of Future Crew 1993 Composed for : Access Denied / Silents diskmag called Scenial. Hope you like this tune. Approx Lenght : 3min 30sec Suomi / Finland
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is the first tracked song I fell in love with. The part starting around 2:30 is mesmerizing, I could listen to it all day. I remember being in awe of this song and still am. At one point I had it burned on CD and played it my car while commuting. Some songs create a deep feeling, and this is one of them!