KiManBoB.mod (kimanbob.mod)
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"Tell me who I am." "Bob." "Bob, I think, uh-" "Bob?" "Tell me who I am." "He was the key man for the entire operation."
Only 41 downloads as of the time I'm writing this. There may be a reason for this. This is a weird & repetitive song. It has some interesting voice samples, but they're repeated over & over. That said, if you don't mind repetitiveness, keep reading. (I actually normally hate repetitive songs, but I love this one, so go figure.)
Kimanbob = Key Man Bob. I think at least some of the samples are from the movie, "What About Bob?" What is it about this song? Why do I like it so much? Besides the voices, the music itself is pretty standard electronic fare. Kind of techno-ish ominously low notes repeated over & over. But this song gets stuck in my head for days sometimes. I have a feeling that many people will disagree with me about this song, but please listen to it (it would probably work to just preview it if you don't want to take the extra step in downloading), & provide a brief review if you can. I'm interested to see if anyone would like this like I do... or am I just going nuts?
"Please understand, a moron can't miss it!!!"
Internal Texts *
R8_FLANG_K R8_FLANG_S R8_OPEN_H1 R8_PDAL_H1 R8_CLSD_H1 TellMeWhoIAm BoBIThinkUh KeyMan BoB4 BoB5 BoB6 BoB7 WBuzz1 EyiEyiEyiE MoronCantMisit PleaseUnderstand Hey! IvansWavin ImWavin Caliope NYClap1 BoBLetMeStartWiU HiBoB! PraIzBoB PraiseBoB
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
A piece of art! One gets tired of it pretty quick though.