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Slavetoneffy's Messages

Last 50 Messages on Slavetoneffy's profile

From: Slavetoneffy To: wabe
22:38 on 11th July 2011

wabe: Would it be alright if you were to give an honest review of the 16-bit version of the module "Thunder" I made, someone I know may use it in a game he is working on, and I am looking for an expert's opinion. It would mean alot, because I want to get the track perfect for his project.

Re: Thank you for your time to review my new module! I appreciate it :)

From: Slavetoneffy To: wabe
22:29 on 11th July 2011

wabe: Sure thing.

Re: Thank you for your time to review my new module! I appreciate it :)

From: wabe
21:19 on 11th July 2011

Thank you for your time to review my new module! I appreciate it :)