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Castle Courtyard (castle_courtyard_improved_release.s3m)

Info Summary

  • castle_courtyard_improved_release.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.32MB in size and has been downloaded 6112 times since Fri 7th Sep 2007 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 156062
  • Downloads: 6112
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: a12245fd792b50375990256c5881d12f
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 28
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.32MB
  • Genre: Medieval

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (9)

Favourites People who like this tune

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Castle Courtyard is the first 2 parts of 3.. (pt 3 is in the works)
My Official name for the parts (so far) is Castle Courtyard Part 1- 'The Royal Garden' and Castle Courtyard Part 2- 'The Ballroom Waltz'
The change from Part 1 to Part 2 is quite obvious.
I plan on keeping the basic medley in part 3 to correspond to Parts 1 & 2

This is my first real composition that I actually wrote about 3 years ago, and as time passed, I found ways to improve the quality of it. I have written many other songs but nothing compares to the work and long hours I put in creating this song. Hope you enjoy it.

Jamie (My oldest son) was playing on the piano one day and inspired me with 6 notes that he inadvertantly hit, and that's where I took over and wrote the entire composition. - Brian J Young

Comments Your Comments

member Posted by govatsapadam on Sun 17th May 2020, rated 9 / 10.

Gosh, this music is beautiful! This long piece works most perfect as a tune playing in the background. I listened to the whole score and all parts of it flows well together. One can really sense this music is made with a lot of love. Recommended for those who like very gentle, non intrusive music.

member Posted by Arne Puszelski on Sat 19th Sep 2009, rated 6 / 10.

Not really bad this music. The beginning till 2.20 is nice to listen to but when the drums start it´s getting down (nothing really special happens) and after 5.07 it becomes a bit boring.
I think this music is a bit too long for my taste and something is missing (some highlights and other samples).
I think this music is above average.

member Posted by Saga Musix on Sun 1st Mar 2009, rated 5 / 10.

Again, this tune suffers from really, really bad piano samples. The intro is eerie, but as soon as the piano pops in, it sounds really bad. From that point, the tune is rather dull, not much is happening there and more inappropriate samples appear. This tune could sound really nice with some good samples, but it's nothing special for me this way.

member Posted by Pip Malt on Sun 16th Sep 2007, rated 7 / 10.

This is certainly not bad, but it's not the greatest thing ever. I just think it's too boring. The first part from the beginning to 5:07 is pretty good, but after that it gets really repetitive. The samples are a bit low quality, too. Something seems to be missing. It sounds pretty thin. Maybe some nice deep bass strings would do the trick. Anyways, 7 is not a horrible score.

member Posted by mrvegas on Mon 10th Sep 2007, rated 10 / 10.

Wow! Obviously a lot of hard work on this one. I'm admittedly not a tough reviewer, but this one blew me away, particularly in light of the difficulties involved in getting this 3/4 piece done in S3M format. Simply sounds great. This is the type of piece that modules exist for -- to give people a chance to listen and a chance to see the music.

member Posted by Theodis on Sun 9th Sep 2007, rated 10 / 10.

I thought this song was very well thought out and creative.. I like it. I read the review on it and my own opinion is basically the same except it seems like the repeativeness of the piano parts were necessary to make the song a whole.

Reviews Your Reviews

Profile Image

Venture reviewed this module with an overall score of 9 / 10
Posted on Fri 7th Sep 2007

Read the rest of Venture's review

Info Internal Texts *

Castle Courtyard
Brian J Young
and inspired by:
Jamie A Young
Thank you Jamie
for the first 6
notes of this song
Original title:
Jamie's Medley
Renamed 2/20/05



* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
