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Brain surgery (brainsur.xm)

Info Summary

  • brainsur.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 7.09MB in size and has been downloaded 2864 times since Sun 10th Feb 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 38518
  • Downloads: 2864
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: ba440570c23667feab12ba22e2d1def6
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 20
  • Uncompressed Size: 7.09MB
  • Genre: Electronic - Industrial

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Info Internal Texts *

Brain surgery

made by: Gammis of

late 2001 - 2002 jan

lyrics made in middle
JAN 2002, a little
depressed :/
I think it got the
psycho feeling I
wanted...got abit
stucked with the
guitarr panning..
Im tied to a chair,
they walk around me
talking, I'm scared to
move a inch, I think
my head is open.
If they can read this,
I'm surely done ->
forever, I hope the
worlds blew up, the
evil i can tuch it.

So you think about
heaven, I gotto know
now - whats above me.
Im not a surgeon,
I donno know whats
good for me.
I know I live dead,
whats in my head?
My black dots live,
Its taking space.

Another session,
they put a knife
inside me, they draw
around abit, my
memories is yours now.
Now i bleed, I will
not take your response
Im not alive!
So you think you'r
better, just becouse
your an addict, I dont
know were to start, I
cannot explain to you
a thing, you have my
head open, but you'r
so blind, -->
My black dot lives,
its taking space in
my brain.



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