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.As a Wave. [.hb.bmp.] (hb_wave.it)

Info Summary

  • hb_wave.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 923.19KB in size and has been downloaded 2947 times since Tue 5th Aug 2003 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 45005
  • Downloads: 2947
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 7d8a4111704584c3b7072746fc163e2a
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 14
  • Uncompressed Size: 923.19KB
  • Genre: Trance - Progressive

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by mmmmna on Sun 24th Apr 2016, rated 7 / 10.

Sometimes I'm too impatient and could have simply skipped the whole track for it having too long of a build up. Glad I listened to this whole track!

member Posted by Jossik on Fri 15th May 2009, rated 10 / 10.

Always loved this mod, is great to listen to it after all those years and to find it beautyful again !

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Info Internal Texts *

B l a c k t r o n   M u s i c   P r o d u c t i o n s

                                                               As a Wave

                                                               2 jan '97

This is my contrib to the BMP compo.
Just a simple acid track. Ain't got no time, patience,
(skill :) or energy for complex tracking.. sounds quite
cool in some parts tho. Some parts are wierd. Listen to
the WHOLE TRACK to see..

Everything must be so organised:

Title    : As a Wave
Composer : Hybrid
Time     : 8:30
Channels : not many
Stereo   : to make the IT info screen cute.
Style    : acid
File size: 945k. Too big. sorry..

Play it in IT cos apparently cp sucks (nnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo?).

Yeah, I know there are some of those ugly clicks.
Lets just say that they're supposed to be there.

Ok well see ya then, and all the best for noo yeer.

F3/F4 to waste time.

Anyone know how to put subliminal messages in mod files?

To all voters, judges, this track ruuuules... :)

So, bored yet? hope not,
cos i'm writing this to
prevent that..
Hey, like the track?
guess not.. flame me
at robinf_worldnet.fr
for composing crap like

That reminds me: i've
gotta write an essay
on death penalty for
school!! AHRG!! help.
Yea, thats an essay in
FRENCH!! French sucks.
France sucks...
I've put up with it
for 10 years now...
Wanna go home!!
Whoopz.. sorry to all
you french guys out
there.. And if there are
any french judges, well..
er... you know i didnt
mean it.. :)

Yea france rules but
France Telecom sucks.
They give me my phone
bill... well they give
my father the phone bill,
but i pay it.. ehe..

If i'm boring you that
much, you don't have
to read this, you know!!

Hey... Come back...

Yea I have a phew excuses
as to why this track
kinda sux:
-I can't be bothered
 to do anything complex.
-I'm a sucky tracker.
-Xmas sucked, ny sucked.
-Life sucks.

maverick, caliban, tfs,
bandido, outlaw, iceman,
reckless, gizmo, impulse,
silence, unicorn,
niavasha, masakado, sr,
+ all others at bmp,
+ all guys in the mailing
list.. sorry about size..
Also you guys from xpl,
rr, rbi etc etc for
makin cool music that
makes my life worth
living, yep.
And also my big brother,
pigos, who i see every
day, but who cares...
Hey, he entered a crap
tune in this compo, ehehe
don't vote for him.

ug, i have that crap
feeling that this year
is gonna suck.. i have
the same every year.

Ok well the track should
be almost finished by
now.. I guess.
Its already looped 4
times while I'm typin

Well cheers then,
and check shift-f9 as
usual for a bit more.

see ya,


Almost forgot to grt all
friends who happen to
read this, + all you
ppl(girls!) who i don't
know, but would love to..
_ tbass -amplified 400%
_ mekx
_ sonic
_ ???
_ ???
_ Rob Roy (tr9o9)
_ ???
_ ???
_ ???
_ dmx
_ dmx
_ dmx
_ ???
_ ???
_ ???
_ tbass
_ ???
_ tbass
_ ???
_ ???
_ ???
_ ???
_ me (source:MS Encarta)
_ me (source:MS Encarta)
These were cut *BY ME*
from that funky loop in
2nd dimension by phoncie
& mekx.

Hmm.. as you can see by
the quantity of ???s,
i'm too lazy to find out
where these come from..
And the names are
probably wrong too...
Hey! who cares? If you
rip my sampz (who would?)
don't bother giving me
the creds.. fair, no?

"As a Wave" is brought
to you by hybrid of bmp,
its acid, long (8:30),
simple, and for the
bmp compo.

 Yea, its too long maybe,
and quite boring i guess.
Poor judges... you're
gonna have to sit thru
the whole track!! haha..

 To be nice, i'll give
ya something to do!
(i'm nice, vote for me!)
Yea, i'm gonna write
loads of stuff here!
nice, no?

Hmm.. this is the 2nd
track i make for bmp..
the first will be on
E.TraX 2 and it rules
way more than this one..
watch out for E.TraX 2
cos i feel its gonna be
quite cool...

Those voice samps come
from Microsoft Encarta
'94.. is that gonna cause
a (c) probleme when I get
on that CD ? ;)

Yea, the guy speeking
is MS' defenition of
sound & description of
the doppler effect.
The other one is sum
buhddist chant or sumthin
.. and of course I
retouched both a bit in
Cool edit 95 (i havn't
found a crack for  '96
yet.. :-))))

Those cool beat samps
(25,26,27) are from
a heck of a cool drum
loop in 2nd Dimension
by phonc(ie) & mekx..
I dunno who made it, but
man those sounds rule!!
I cut n retouched em in
cooled 95 of courz..
This soooooo increadibly
interesting story is
continued on F4, yes...

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
