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Topics - ASIKWUSpulse

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Feedback & Suggestions / Module by artist on TMA without link
« on: August 28, 2020, 09:40:47 »
Just a helpful heads up.


Maybe this could become a pinned thread for posting modules by an artist that is on but isn't linked with them, to help those running the site with module-assigning?

Sampling / Trying to find the source of this string-sample
« on: March 13, 2020, 23:28:53 »
I'm looking for the source of the string-sample in sample-slot 1 of this module below

Breadfan has credited the sources, but not in as much details of telling which samples comes from what source.

If it's from one of his cds, obviously this module would certainly be its only source - though he has also stated necros and two other artists as source. The reason is to find out if the sample came from another module where it's longer and of somewhat better quality - I love to use it to jam with (haven't used it much in my music, only like 2 or 3 modules so far)

Help Support Topics Archive / special-character bug with comments
« on: January 12, 2020, 22:48:49 »
If you type certain characters like <, posting the comment will result in the character itself and the text beyond not getting included.

Noticed that while commenting on module recently

The Lobby / ST3 and IT style visualizer?
« on: January 09, 2020, 23:05:49 »
Wouldn't that be cool?
They have this special play-window with real-time visuals, like the note-spectrum, the channel-view ofc and the VU-meters with status-window of the instruments currently playing in the channels with as small details as showing if note-off has been struck or not.

It's a good way when you've got no good MV-skills + only a computer, and you wanna share stuff on video-media.

The demand is made because well, I know you can play .s3xmodit files in ST3 and IT to use those visuals, but other formats?
It would be cool with such a plugin that could play almost all the formats OpenMPT can import + some of the chip-formats like AHX and SID.

I would like to know how to program such visuals, but I'm very poor in that knowledge, I only know the basics of C++ and C# (I'm understanding the bit more advanced stuff like object-orientation, though there I quite already have too many juggling-balls in the air)

The links I've found on google so far are all broken :(
Tbc, I'm after the module.

Tracking / Tracker with additional music-sheet interface?
« on: March 05, 2019, 10:25:04 »
Somewhat desperate for such feature.

Now, why this?
I thought that it could be another way of tracking, where notes are typed into a sheet, and then with the normal tracker-interface, add effects and the other typical tracker stuff.

Actually, the main question: Is there a sheet music sequencer with the engine of a tracker?
Love that you can import the samples you like, make instruments out of them and then use them for music. Would be amazing if there was the same principle but for use with sheet music composing.

I call it TMA Screening Wizard, and has so far just been invented (it's in alpha 1.0.0).

The tool is created for helping getting rid of decision-dilemmas, where you answer a bunch of music rating questions with Yes, Quite/Probably, Unsure, Hardly/Probably Not or No. The answers adds different amount of points to a point-sum which then the tool makes a decision out of.

It's not shared anywhere, more than that WouterVL had a test of a prototype, which was WAY TOO strict. But I've Re-coded it from the ground-up, and now I have something that hasn't been to shabby, yet...
I've developed it so far that it is even capable of hinting out Feature-worthy modules.

NOTE: It's something you NOT put modules' fate onto. It still needs testing, it can give the wrong tips.

Other facts about it:
  • It's written in C++
  • It uses console
  • It's very basic: uses the libs "iostream" and "string"

I can send the .exe-file on request, to screeners who want to have a look at it.

I can send the main.cpp-file on request, to developers who may be interested to develop it futher.

I'll develop it futher if I come up with any new ideas or improvements.

Sampling / Tracker Music Starts - ASIKPack Vol. 1
« on: November 12, 2018, 22:33:43 »
Tracker Music Starts, A serie of sample pack libraries

This is Volume 1
It contains the IT-instruments and samples:
Bamboomisen Echoes.iti
Bass Lick.flac
Bottle Dwell Pad.flac
Bowl Spectrum.flac
Closed Hi-hat.flac
Crash.flac [added in the new version]
Deep Snare.flac
DMX Clap.flac
Feedback Pulses.flac
Feedback Pulses.iti
Funk Snare.flac
Juno Clone Bass.flac
Linear Algo. Bass.flac
Octo Bass-Lead.iti
Open Hi-hat.flac
Pulse Ensemble.flac
Pulse Ensemble.iti
Ride.flac [added in the new version]
Saw Ensemble.flac
Saw Ensemble.iti
Slap Bass.flac
Solid Kick.flac
Space Bowl.flac
Tri Ensemble.flac
Tri Ensemble.iti

These are very cheesy 80's/90's stuff, all created in OpenMPT with Brainstormer VST plugin with/or samples from other libraries which I can't exactly tell the name of,
but in theory mostly Emax, various Roland and my own old libs with samples created in either audacity with the built-in-generators or instruments/furniture/junk I have at home,
or with OpenMPT (using it like audacity, with the draw tool to create my own samples). Jeez, details ;)

Note that the IT-instruments are packaged in their own zip-file named "TMStarts-ASIKPack Vol 1 IT-INST" - Edit: Not anymore

I hope you will like them, especially "Bottle Dwell Pad", "Feedback Pulses" and "Space Bowl", which are Highend-synth preset patch inspired samples.

Credit is appreciated. In OpenMPT, just type "ASIKWPPack.1" in the "File Name" field in samples tab. Otherwise write in the comments that they've been taken from this pack.
Though I won't force you or get mad if you don't, but it helps others to track down the source (not music-tracking ;-)).

Tracker Music Starts Vol.1 by I. Wüst (aka ASIKWUSpulse)

Samples and Instruments mixed/created by I. Wüst
Date: 2018/11/12


Due to the limits of attachments on this forum and being unable to compress the samples harder, I've uploaded a new version with no "downsampling to fit limit" (some instruments doesn't have full quality in my previous attachment)
This is though all instruments and samples in one neat package ;D

Lego Stunt Rally is a game from my childhood, thought I would never hear those bg-tunes again ;D

I actually didn't knew they were tracker-modules :o

The Lobby / Remembering Windows 98
« on: October 30, 2018, 22:38:15 »
Just through taking the chord-progression Dminor -> Cmajor -> Aminor -> Gmajor -> Dminor -> Cmajor -> Aminor -> A#major, with the SC-55 Syn.Strings, I flew away to retroland, having flashbacks of creating and listening to midis in Digital Orchestrator Pro on Windows 98. It was around 2005-2008, my family was late with upgrading to newer OS's... having flashbacks 7 years too late, but at 98 I wasn't even born :P. But really, it was stunning and so relaxing. Is this the Synthwave-style?

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