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Messages - dysamoria

Pages: [1] 2 3
anyone make any progress on this project since these original posts?

MilkyTracker Community / Re: MilkyTracker Wikipedia Entry
« on: June 12, 2010, 12:32:11 »
apparently science fiction vaporware archticture in short articles without much meaning or content is more "notable" than a real music tool that actually exists...

i'm all for these kind of dreams but this whole topic is a perfect example of why i fundamentally hate wikipedia... tho u won't find me supporting encyclopedia dramatica either (the "revenge" wiki created by ppl who hated the arrogance of wikipedia editors).

i'll b curious to see how long the Chinese entry lasts...

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Tuning Help?
« on: June 12, 2010, 12:20:39 »
thanks for all this info. this is great info for the manual, too!

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Tuning Help?
« on: May 12, 2010, 22:13:37 »
yeah, i never thought i would use math... then i realized i'd been doing HEX for ages in trackers and most people in my math classes in school never even knew what the heck that was. decimal was all they knew and didn't know what it was or why it was. hah. but my limitations are more along the lines of mental processing and measurement. i have disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia (really exists).

does MilkyTracker do anything for an audio file that's at a sampling rate of 30,000Hz? (any compensation, i mean). or does it compensate for ANY sample that's not at its base rate? if it does compensate for all files, then my problems are more about how to USE the sample and instrument editors to define the root note and then map the samples across the keys correctly based on that root note.

Is Rich Text (RTF) robust enough for your intentions? i tend to use that as my standard formatted text file format, but i know it has limitations.

which Palm device did you have and which version of PsyTex did you try? i think PsyTex II was the one i used.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Stereo-Files
« on: May 12, 2010, 22:06:26 »
"The player is based on a highly modified version of the Modplug  engine, with a number of bugfixes and changes to improve IT playback."

can't find info about BeRoTracker... it runs on my machine only in "Compatible mode" with terrible GUI responsiveness but audio seems fine (my video card is an old Matrox G400 and OpenGL/Direct3D seems unavailable, and the program renders to screen via OpenGL).

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Tuning Help?
« on: May 12, 2010, 21:20:06 »
ASIO4ALL was considerably slower than the plain DirectSound driver mode (this was when using the Creative drivers). i couldn't use ASIO at all without horrible dropped sample glitching.

 i changed over to the non-Creative kX driver to see if it was more efficient and it turns out to be much better. in ASIO mode, it provides me more "tracker power" with less CPU use. i recommend them if you need more efficient drivers.

Sound Forge and ASIO... i think their ASIO support is limited to 44.1KHz and up (nothing lower). it complains that the driver is unable to support the sample rate/bit depth. when i switch to DirectSound (instead of ASIO) it plays, but has that odd noise after playing is finished i mentioned earlier. i assume ASIO & Sound Forge are simply not designed with the intention to deal with such sample rates since they're not considered modern or "valuable" formats. but MilkyTracker, Awave Studio and Renoise have no glitching on playing these low-rate samples (even with Renoise and Milky Tracker using ASIO - i assume they're mixing at 44.1KHz, where Sound Forge tries to play a sample at its native rate and then runs into driver issues). so, all is really ok in the end.

as for tuning... i have a neurological impairment that makes calculation/math and other number stuff hard for me. ironically, i'm a tracker user... hah... (i'm better at using references for effects than remembering the effect codes, and i'm not very good at utilizing them like really good composers, but i get by). so... i'll keep plugging away at it and maybe figure it out with the info you've provided and experimentation.

good points.

on WinXP SP3, WordPad wont load the images in your document at all. i guess i'd have to install Open Office, but dunno if 500MHz with 133MHz bus can handle it... OO is kind of a beast.

too bad about the pocketpc port. i appreciate the loss of a favoured platform (esp when favoured due to software on it). i have the music apps made by and they're dead ended due to the platform being dead (great work there by the idiots in executive suits at Palm, totally wasting massive amounts of their developer's efforts after buying Be Inc. and hiring the Be developers... i had two insiders on that and they said they were too pained to talk more about it aside from "utter ABORTION" ... Palm abandoned it all for linux-based replacements because of PR memes... hell they don't even SELL a proper PDA any more). worse, since i stopped maintaining my Tapwave Zodiac as a portable device due to having an iphone, the Zodiac's battery is useless. the device requires being plugged in & it's now boxed up because of that limitation. being on disability with a fixed income means i can't spend money on "little" things like a replacement after market battery. sigh. there was/is another cross platform tracker that worked well on Palm OS called Psytex and its followup "Buzz like" tracker. my device was too underpowered for that followup app, but it was great having a little tracker/modplayer on my Zodiac. sigh...

MilkyTracker Community / Re: MilkyTracker Wikipedia Entry
« on: May 12, 2010, 06:56:40 »
I thought the MilkyTracker article was excellent. I was really proud of the work that I and the cloud of contributers put together. I felt like someone vandalized and destroyed a treasured object when that gang of ignorant thugs deleted it.

you are RIGHT and justified to feel that way. that's why i ranted. i know the feeling too well. you put out a very serious piece of effort to contribute to both the Tracker AND WikiPedia communities and it was treated like ... well, like they're elite bastards and "your work counts for nothing." their behavior is just not right at all.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: MilkyTracker Wikipedia Entry
« on: May 12, 2010, 06:53:05 »
you have a valid point: yeah, you're right i'm a tracker guy.

 but honestly, i've grown tired of geeking *everything.*

 i'll deal with the important things (music tools) as needed (or not use them) and they ARE built around a legacy concept to begin with, which i grew WITH (not forced to learn suddenly upon its appearance in, say 2005 or whatever - i've been with trackers since Norman Lin's MOD Edit 2.0 DOS tracker... what a horror that was! hah hah).

MediaWiki isn't one of those "i grew with it" tools. it's new. it's not HTML. it's not straight forward. it is its own new and arbitrary concept (i'm not a unix guy, so if there's any legacy support of formatting commands from the evil vi or whatever, i'm unaware and still disinterested).

as for "noobs..." i have long ago abandoned the elitism of "user" vs "tech" because it's ridiculous to maintain that attitude when computers have been marketed at general population (not techs and geeks) for decades now. i stopped a career as a tech support person because i was sick of the elite attitude of my co-workers. they were terribly insulting to any non-computer-expert and it was not right. their very purpose was to HELP these people, not insult them the second they're out of earshot. the clients asking for help weren't idiots. many had PhDs and Masters degrees in all kinds of things. it wasn't appropriate to be experts in *everything* including fringe technical concepts (most of which came out of legacy and defective software behavior that we had to help them work around)... and they were introduced to computers as being user-friendly tools to get work done easier (which still is largely not the reality - i grew up loving computers but i despise them now; it's a specialty of mine & i have a huge investment in using them as my "preferred tools" but i DO hate the lack of completeness in the industry - it's infantile compared to most other industries but pretends to be so wonderful).

i wont keep this topic going bc ur right it's way off topic. i just wanted to share my opinions/frustrations with the original topic.

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