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Messages - theresonant

Pages: [1]
Raina's right, I did press the tilde key, I was trying to find the "note-off" on my keyboard. Thanks alot!

By phate's words, I infer that this feature is used especially when you want to create a rythm with regular beats, so you don't have to repeatedly hit the "down" key to skip a few lines. Thanks phor the tip, phate!

Good evening! (it's 00:02 in my room now)

I was playing a little bit with MilkyTracker for maybe the third time ever and I like it alot (don't know much about trackers, and Milky made it easy to get the basics), when I noticed that everytime I add a note or delete one, the cursor moves 3 lines below the line with the note I just added/deleted. For example, if I'm at position 20 in a pattern and I want to insert let's say a C4, I move the cursor at the line marked with 20 and I hit the 'Z' key ('Z' is for C4, right?). The note is added where I want it to be, at 20, but the very next moment, the cursor jumps at line 23.

I don't really like it this way, if I add a new note I'd like to move the cursor to the line immediately below, not jumping lines away. Is this a feature which I can change or disable? I looked over the config, but found nothing...


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