Hello all - a quick update for the website, as it’s been a while and some things have changed!
MilkyTracker’s website has now been moved over to GitHub Pages alongside the source code, so that it’s easier to update and so that we don’t risk losing access to it any more. Unfortunately, our previous domain at
http://milkytracker.org has been lost and the owner is unwilling to co-operate with us in having it point to the correct location.
Thankfully, our friends at
TiTAN have given us a new subdomain, so please update your bookmarks to
If, for whatever reason you are unable to reach us at the above address,
http://milkytracker.github.io should always point you in the right direction.
Deltafire and I have slowly been preparing a new release! If you can’t wait for the binaries, please feel free to check out our
pending branch over at GitHub.