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Messages - Deltafire

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MilkyTracker Support / Re: M2 Mac Configuration File Location?
« on: May 18, 2024, 21:05:34 »

MilkyTracker News / MilkyTracker v1.03
« on: December 10, 2020, 22:46:06 »
Version 1.03 out now!

Head over to the MilkyTracker website for details.

This is probably due to the "Jam channels stop working after applying settings" bug, which has now been fixed:

It looks like either the SDL2 library is not installed, or the FindSDL2.cmake script that you downloaded isn't finding it.

CMake allows you to manually set the variables, you should set SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY to the correct location.

I'd be interested to know how FastTracker II plays them, I suspect that is where Milkytracker has inherited the playback pitch/tempo from.

This is the first I've heard of this.

Could you check that the playback mode is set to "Protracker 2/3.x" in Options?  You could also try setting the frequency table to Amiga in the config section.

MilkyTracker News / MilkyTracker v1.02
« on: February 24, 2018, 21:42:16 »
Version 1.02 out now
I am pleased to announce the latest release of MilkyTracker - version 1.02.

Head over to the MilkyTracker website for details  :)

This is already possible thanks to work done by CorvusCorax, see his pull request for details:

Improvement #85 Modulation

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Can't install
« on: January 04, 2018, 19:52:36 »

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