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Messages - the-486-kid

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MilkyTracker News / Re: WIN CE 2.11 HPC Port?
« on: November 20, 2008, 06:56:25 »
pick up a sharp mobilon tripad pd-6000  has a MIPS processor, 32 ram, and WIN CE Handheld Edition 3.0 (WIN CE 2.11 CORE)

I installed the .NET 1.0 for CE 2.11 and tried running the MIPS version of Milky Tracker
and got this back from the system:

"Cannot find 'Milkey Tracker' (or one of it's components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available. "


   Anyone wanna help with a port to 2.11 (or shed some light on it) ?




MilkyTracker News / Re: MilkyTracker v0.90.80 is out
« on: April 16, 2008, 23:28:05 »

 This is nice progress.  I really like the new features, the re sampling is fantastic. Nice work!!!  I'm sure this will fit nice in the hands of many composers.

  With the praises must also come the gripes  :-\ 
  I was immediately disappointed when I found several great features still lacking..

  MIDI!  wtf?
  Those of us who use trackers live, hoped for better midi support. 
  I believe the potential exists to implement FT2's midi capabilities, and expound upon them. I see milky having the potential to be a powerful life sequencing tool. Hope some day the vision is shared, and the capabilities realized.

  No internal Sampler???   Bummer.

  Not as big a deal, but just for my personal live tracking style
  No mouse selectable track speed of 00....  but the BPM selection is nice and smooth! ;D

  My hopes are that in the hands of many thousands of developers, some of these important features can be realized.


FT2 couldn't record while a song was playing. And I'm not sure if MilkyTracker will be able to do it.

Sampling while the tracker is playing back is WAY beyond the scope of my request.  I just simply think that the ability to sample in our native program is a highly productive feature. Many wav editors are overly rich with features, using loads more CPU than Milky uses.. then in the world of pocket PC's  there simple are NOT sample editors.. so you have to work between a PC/Laptop and your Pocket Device... and that is lame.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Speed F00?
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:10:40 »
Milky behaves differently with the effect F00 (Spd 00) command;

In fast tracker when you change the song to Spd 00 the audio engine is still running audio.
If you send command F00, then you can use down cursor key to manually play the track. This is a most excellent feature for live track manipulation and remixing!
Another thing,  If you throw a command such as Portamento Down (210)  on one track, and (F00) on different track on the same tick,  it will cause the portamento to keep dropping at  a steady rate relative to the last tick before F00 called!  This is yet another super awesome feature of FT2's design (however, if not used carefully, it can cause crashes! ;) ) Many of my songs use this to dramatic effect.  And they don't play right with Milky  :'(

Also, in the over head menu, you can not select Spd 00 with mouse clicks, you can only select as low as Spd 01. 

My request, can we have a FT2 Spd mode implemented, that would emulate FT2's speed control idiosyncrasies?

PS: while i'm on speed.. Smoother Dynamic BPM Slider Adjustment, ala FT2?? In other word, while the song is playing back, use mouse to adjust BPM up or down without causing glitching!  This is detrimental to CHIP TUNE DJ Sets!

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: Full MIDI I/O
« on: December 11, 2007, 20:33:29 »
<techybit> There's no A record for, whilst does have an A record, when it should be a CNAME! </techybit>

Anyway, the way it is (wrongly) configured means that the web page cannot be viewed in Konqueror/Safari or Opera, but Firefox seems to handle it ok.

AUGH!  It's all wrong! :police: 

Ok, I fix it   :rolleyes:

Now, did you get the .XI's Pailes?

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: Full MIDI I/O
« on: December 10, 2007, 21:11:48 »
I wouldn't be so sure about that, the XI saving works fine in DosBox when I'm not messing with the MIDI settings.
Link seems to be down atm. I'm trying later.

Hrm?  Well, FT2 never froze for me in true dos, when saving an XI with midi perams.

type in the full addy.. it's up @

Don't miss the (www.) and it works fine... my name server is lame.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: Full MIDI I/O
« on: December 08, 2007, 20:55:07 »
I've been trying to save an instrument with some MIDI parameters, but FT2 freezed for me (running in Dosbox). Can anybody try that, maybe it's because I have no MIDI gear connected or something.

Saving  an .XI with midi should not make FT2 freeze if you don't have midi hardware?!  FT2's disk-op is totally non-hardware dependant (minus the hard drive requirement  ;) )
I suspect that it's the fualt of your emulated environment, I wouldn't really know as I use real DOS.

Here are two Bass Instruments that are saved with MIDI params:

BASSMIDI.XI:  midi ch. 1, program  36, computer mute off, pitchbend increment 12
BASSMID2.XI   mid ch. 2, program 127, computer mute off, pitchbend increment 6

Werd! ;D

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: Full MIDI I/O
« on: December 08, 2007, 03:18:18 »
I seem to remember the screenshot format being .LBM (DeluxePaint), IrfanView for one supports that.

Oh yeah!  I think you are right..  I'll try that.   The program does not auto set the .xxx extension on the end of the file  ???

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: RECORD funtion in Sample editor?
« on: November 21, 2007, 07:11:18 »
You can record with the headphone jack of your PocketPC? (line-in?)

 ;D  Hacked my AXIM X5, removed the built in mic, and added a line input 3.5mm jack.

but for most, sampling via into milkytracker with the built in mic would be nice!

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: Full MIDI I/O
« on: November 21, 2007, 04:10:31 »
I think all this XG / GS stuff may be a bit of a side track, and off my original and more simplistic feature request. :police:

In FT2, each instrument has some basic MIDI functions, that are saved into the .XI header.  This should kill the argument that it would be bending the file architecture to incorporate these features, but it ain't  'cuz it's always been there!

How it works:

You select the instrument that you want to add/adjust MIDI, then click "I.E.Ext." which stands for Instrument Editor Extension:

There you have two check boxes
"Instrument MIDI enable" and  "Mute Computer"
as well as three horizontal sliders "MIDI transmit channel"; "MIDI program"; and "Bender range (halftones)"

So effectively,  one could set up an Instrument, that could function in two ways:  Accept MIDI IN signal on a specific channel, to trigger sample playback of a specific sample! 
[NOTE: FT2 listens to ALPHA MIDI IN, and only plays the instrument that is currently highlighted in the Instrument Window.  Expansion would be required if you were to send Data on multiple MIDI chanels, and in turn have more than one instrument play back.]


During editing or playback, Send MIDI OUT signals from specific instruments on a specific MIDI channels with MIDI Program data, to control outside sound sources. 

OR, the ultimate, a combination of both IN/OUT; resulting in FT2 playing samples out the sound card, and your MIDI gear simultaneously.

MIDI OUT was a fundamental of FT2, and I feel should also be included in future releases of Milky Tracker.  I feel as a user of FT2 for over 10 years now that these features were obviously WAY ahead of their time, as they are still not making it into current tracker programs.  However, the main problem with FT2, is that development stopped.. and thus the bugs in the MIDI implementation were never worked out  ???  huge bummer!

NOTE:  I tried for 30 minutes to figure out a way to convert the .PCX screen shots that I exported from inside FT2 (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PrtScr)  but was unable to get them up here.. sorry.

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