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Messages - BitPusher

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Community / Re: (Retail) Logo Permissions Pt. 2
« on: November 29, 2018, 03:51:47 »
You looked up the CD eh?  ;D Thanks.
I’m very proud of it because of the time I put into it, and every track was sequenced with Milky, but there is also a little LSDJ onboard as I used it to record a couple of samples and sequences to then drop into Milky as well for the two chiptune tracks on there. I just hope Milky continues to live on for a long time to come. It’s such a pleasure to work with and there’s still more I wish to do.

MilkyTracker Community / (Retail) Logo Permissions Pt. 2
« on: November 28, 2018, 20:23:36 »
How are you guys doing? I have something I'd like to share if you might find it useful.

Even though our forum here isn't exactly booming, I've noticed most don't like it when you necromance a thread, so I took a leap of faith and made this one. My previous on this subject is here:

Basically, I was trying to find out exactly how it would work to get permission to use the MilkyTracker logo on a retail product, specifically, as a button on the back cover a professionally manufactured and published CD. I was pointed to the Facebook of the original artist, and while Milky may be open software, I wanted to (out of respect) get the blessing of the artist first. He wouldn't respond to my message, so I went an alternative route and made the button myself. I will share it here.

The milk carton by itself was a completely public domain licensed image, and I added the MT and made the rest in GIMP. On the finished product it looks like this:

As I said, maybe this is a one-off case or nobody actually cares, but if my button could be used or modified for your interests, you are welcome to it.
Thanks everyone. See ya.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Reverb/Echo in Sample Editor
« on: May 31, 2018, 12:26:26 »
The title says it all. I don’t know a thing about writing code and as such have no idea how difficult it would actually be to implement, but it would be all sorts of convenient if there were a sort of reverb and echo function built into the sample editor, this would add all sorts of possibilities and make it less necessary to exit Milky and fire up an editor or DAW to make these modifications to our given samples.

I love this software and am grateful for it. Thank you.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Logo Permissions
« on: April 18, 2018, 16:14:52 »
Thank you for pointing me in the direction.
While I know the project is GPL, I nonetheless prefer to contact someone both out of courtesy and respect. Since I want to make use of this man’s graphics :)

Thanks very much good sir.

MilkyTracker Community / Logo Permissions
« on: April 18, 2018, 14:01:45 »
Hello everyone.
I am formally releasing a new album in about another month or so (formally as in will be professionally pressed/manufactured) and distributed by Amazon. The entire album is being performed using MilkyTracker, and on the back cover of the CD case I want to put something like a small rectangular button that says “Powered By MilkyTracker” with the word MilkyTracker being the actual logo from the site and the little milk carton logo sitting next to it. Naturally, I’ll be mentioning Milky and the website somewhere inside the booklet too. Nonetheless, who exactly can I email about this?

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