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Topics - Rapidkirby3k

Pages: [1]
Sampling / Seeking a better sound quality...
« on: January 17, 2009, 22:25:12 »
After fiddling around with an old CyberMixer screensaver, I found a breakbeat sample that I wanted to use for one of my upcoming songs. Although I have that sample, I'm unable to find a better quality. Here's a SendSpace link of what I'm looking for:

If this thread is in the wrong place, let me know.

The Lobby / Hello people!
« on: January 17, 2009, 21:50:47 »
Hey, how are things going at The Mod Archive?  8)

I first encountered this website while I was looking for songs and music programs, during the old TMA days. This, of course, is what introduced me to Modplug Tracker. ;D

As I visit this place from time to time quite often, I finally decided to join the forums, so here I am.

Pages: [1]