The Lobby / My bloggy website/websitey blog about tracked chiptunes
« on: February 25, 2010, 21:11:10 »
Hopefully this isn't too spammy... 
I recently started a blog/website about tracked chiptunes. I'm hoping to post one most days, usually with a small bit of info about the song and a link to download in original format, and there's a few useful links too. It's mostly aimed at people who don't normally listen to chiptunes but have the potential to be interested (gamers and computery types, I guess), or people just started listening and want to find some more artists and information. Some of you here might find it interesting too, though (I hope!).
There's also RSS and twitter for people who want it.
Thanks very much to modarchive.org for having loads of great chiptunes for me to choose from, and I guess a big part in me getting interested enough to making a website.

I recently started a blog/website about tracked chiptunes. I'm hoping to post one most days, usually with a small bit of info about the song and a link to download in original format, and there's a few useful links too. It's mostly aimed at people who don't normally listen to chiptunes but have the potential to be interested (gamers and computery types, I guess), or people just started listening and want to find some more artists and information. Some of you here might find it interesting too, though (I hope!).

There's also RSS and twitter for people who want it.


Thanks very much to modarchive.org for having loads of great chiptunes for me to choose from, and I guess a big part in me getting interested enough to making a website.