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Topics - njaddison

Pages: [1]
Look what I made! / Anvil's Birthday Is Coming Soon!
« on: March 15, 2013, 17:28:30 »
Hi, everyone,
Hannu Koskinen's (A.K.A. "Anvil") birthday is coming soon (April 30). I thought that we could pay homage to him by making a megamix of all of his songs. You can help by remixing one of his songs. I am planning on remixing The Love Trap or Path To Nowhere. But, schoolwork may prevent me from doing it.
A list of his songs:
The Love Trap
Path To Nowhere
Dream Complex II
Blacklamp Title Remix
Thundercats C64 Remix

If I am missing one, please tell me.

Tracking / Questions About Module Formats
« on: March 09, 2013, 21:19:33 »
Hi, njaddison here.
I haven't been on the Mod Archive for a while because I've been tracking non-stop, learning new techniques, and even learning how to use new trackers. In addition to MilkyTracker, which was my first tracker, I've learned how to use ScreamTracker III, Impulse Tracker, FastTracker II, Skale Tracker, and SchismTracker. Most of all , I've learned how to use effects to enhance my songs (This is something that all beginning trackers must do if they want to become any good).

The past few weeks, I've been working on a remix of Darude's Sandstorm. I've only gotten the intro and some of the main part of the song done. When I finish, it's most likely going to be my best song so far. I'm using SkaleTracker to track it. The song is a 64-channel .XM. That's my problem. Skale's 64-channel .XM format is not compatible with FT2. This is because in FT2, the channel limit is 32-channels. Will JMOD accurately playback the module, even with 64-channels? If not, can I just post the song in it's original .skm (Skale Module) format? Or is there a way that I can make the module un-playable with JMOD? Maybe I could open the song in IT and save it as an .it module?

Thanks, and if anyone has any more questions pertaining to module formats, feel free to use this topic.

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