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Topics - Sma

Pages: [1]
Project / Coder's Corner / Android Player
« on: January 17, 2025, 21:56:13 »
So, I finally updated my Android player (Android 8+). I´m using libopenmpt for playing the library's supported formats. I first wrote the routines for mod and xm myself, but that was too much work for such a hobby project, so I decided to use this great library!

The player is not finished yet, subsongs are not selectable, a playlist is missing and there is no configuration page yet.
There are also a few minor issues such as scrolling back from the tracker view when a module has more than 4 tracks. This is a nested scrolling problem, but I still don't know if the problem is on my side or on Google´s.
You can mute the channels in oscilloscope view oder tracker view and solo them with long press. Long pressing forward/previous buttons for song position jump selects the next/previous song.
I also wanted to add support for the AHX format at some point, as the sound of these files reminds me a lot of the good old Amiga :-)

You can find the player here:

I would be happy to receive any feedback, suggestions or information about problems or errors!

API Support / API Key Request
« on: November 04, 2024, 22:32:56 »
- Application type:
      Android tracker player (only mod files yet)

- Platform(s)
      only Android

- Predicted demand, an estimation of how many requests a month you will make.
      I´m currently adding this feature to my app. But I think not more than 1000-5000 per month

- Commercial interest, is this a for-sale app?
      no, it´s a free player withoud ads

Mobile Phone Players / Amiga Mod Guru for Android
« on: September 24, 2015, 22:25:50 »
Hi, I´ve written my first App for Android and of course it´s a mod player :-)
It´s completely written in Java, I had to read much about the mod format, effects, and android programming. I worked many hours on this player and now, the first version is finally finished, yeah  :)
You can find it here in the play store:

I could not test it on many devices and I don´t know, if the sound output works correctly on every device and if the visualisation is synchronous with the output. It would be great, if someone could load and test the player on his device.
Thank you very much!
Thanks to Claudio  ;)

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