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Topics - a_tiny_pony

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Support / MT on iPAQ 210; no onscreen keyboard popup?
« on: November 05, 2021, 01:19:50 »
Hi, I'm Dom aka A Tiny Pony, long time listener first time caller.
I have an old ipaq i use for portable synth and sample noisemaking with Sunovx, but i'm playing around with MilkyTracker to get a more 'classic' tracking experience (i dream of one day finding an old functioning Panasonic CF-Mx toughbook and running composer 669, impulse tracker and ft2 to and avoid the disappointing reality of modern life in 20xx entirely). It works great, but I can't name or rename anything because when I select text the cursor box appears but no on-screen keyboard.
Is this a known issue, is there a config thing I need to do like the 'use internal filebrowser'?

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