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Topics - berrykeen

Pages: [1]
Help Support Topics Archive / Another noob fails at uploading
« on: June 16, 2024, 22:14:50 »

While trying to map out my old keygen music collection to their module counterparts on TMA, I discovered that a few tracks I had were not available here; so I thought I'd upload them.

Only after uploading did I realize that one of the tracks ("untitled-651.xm") appears to be a variant of Ghidorah's Lackerad Keramik.

I'm not sure if this is a proper variant of this track, or just a conversion someone did to wrench it inside a keygen.  The untitled track's file size is about 10 KB larger than the one already on TMA, and doing the invert-and-compare-the-waveforms trick in Audacity shows that a few of the instruments are indeed different.

Sorry about the confusion here; I thought I should let someone know about it.

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