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Topics - Sonicade

Pages: [1]
Demoparties, Events & Compos / SDCompo Round 55
« on: November 24, 2010, 01:30:02 »
Round 55 of SDCompo has begun! We are starting 2011 off with our biggest samplepack ever, 169MB! It's worth the wait for a fantastic pack of free drum kits and synths.

SDCompo is a monthly online multi-format module competition. Compete against trackers from around the world, share your thoughts on entries by fellow trackers and vote for your top 5 of the round.

This round features 3 FREE VST for PC and 2 for MAC: Mantis, Chip32, Synth1 (windows only). Also featured are 2 FREE DSP, TAL-Reverb and TAL-Dub.
This round's suggested theme is Videogame / Movie Score/Soundtrack Remixes.
Vocal samples and Personally Performed Instruments are accepted.

Entry deadline for Round 55 is: 12:00AM February 1st, 2011 CST.

Demoparties, Events & Compos / SDCompo: Round 34 has begun!
« on: December 02, 2008, 06:22:01 »
Soundevotion Competition: Round 34 has begun.

This round's theme is Christmas or Winter!
This round allows the use of any samples!
This round allows vocal samples!
This round accepts Renoise 2.0 entries!

Entry deadline for Round 34 is December 22nd, 00:00 CST (Central Standard Time, GMT -6).

The Soundevotion Competition

Hi there,
  I've just uploaded a number of modules by an artist known as Imode.  He has a few tracks on modarchive under his guessed profile. If possible could someone link these modules to an artist profile for him?  They can't be found anywhere else on the web so I thought what better home than the modarchive.  Not all of them contain his name so they may not all be guessed. - Pending Screening - Pending Screening - Pending Screening - Pending Screening - Pending Screening - Pending Screening - Pending Screening - Pending Screening - Pending Screening

Thank you!

Best Regards,

Tracking / Introducing the Soundevotion Competition!
« on: March 24, 2006, 21:02:05 »
Soundevotion Competition is a web-based tri-weekly Renoise module tracking competition. Each round features 2 weeks of tracking followed by 1 week of voting.  Round 1 has officially begun! Entry deadline is April 7th, 2006 00:00 CST (UTC/GMT -6).

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