Tracking / All about tracking music : softwares, history, webradios, composers, players...
« on: September 26, 2008, 02:49:02 »
Hello everybody, 
I updated my webpage : Woolyss Tracking
I present the world of the tracking with many links.
There are the history, famous softwares, tracking webradios, composers, demoscene, players...
If you like chiptune : Woolyss Chipmusic
There are all VSTi plugins oriented soundchip, chiptrackers, many formats of chiptunes...
What do you think about it ?

I updated my webpage : Woolyss Tracking
I present the world of the tracking with many links.
There are the history, famous softwares, tracking webradios, composers, demoscene, players...
If you like chiptune : Woolyss Chipmusic
There are all VSTi plugins oriented soundchip, chiptrackers, many formats of chiptunes...
What do you think about it ?