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Topics - Dave McCool

Pages: [1]
Tracking / Guitar Samples
« on: September 20, 2006, 13:01:57 »
I am looking for guitar samples (like the ones used in Dire Straits songs). Where can I find any?

I would like some 12 string samples as well.


Tracking / Music for a video I'm creating
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:49:42 »
I am making a video for a town (City) that I created (Computer Generated) The setting is night in a town like New York in the rain. Its about the city at night. the city is called "DX District" and it's in the Rocky Mountains. This is a project of mine that I will make some videos and post them on internet.

What I need is some music. I need some ambient Piano style music to "Blend in" with the settings.  What I want is music with a fgood drum beat and piano, and if possible acoustic guitar riff. I would make the music myself, But I'm not so good with tracking yet.

Anyone got music? This video is free and non commercial so I would like music for free as well. I will give credit where necessary and so on.

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