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Messages - HERB

Pages: [1]
Sampling / Re: Issues with bidirectional looping
« on: May 01, 2022, 22:07:45 »

Sampling / Re: Trouble making samples
« on: May 01, 2022, 21:49:28 »
Uhhhh, I realize that this is an old topic, but there's a much better way of creating a simple phase-shifted square wave.

1 : Create new sample size of 16384.
2 : Generate saw-tooth wave with 50% volume, and 256 periods.
3 : Highlight the generated waveform, and under "advanced" select "Backwards".
3 : Copy your new backwards saw-tooth waveform.
4 : Generate a new saw-tooth wave with 50% volume, and 255 periods.
5 : Right click the 255 period saw-tooth wave and click "Mix-paste"
6 : zoom in on the sample on the right side, and trim away the section of silence.

When you use this method; you don't have to worry about DC normalization.
The waveform is dynamically offset from the center-line as transforms through it's phase-change.

I hope this helps you. - HERB

MilkyTracker News / Re: MilkyTracker v1.03
« on: January 04, 2021, 00:43:53 »
Nice to hear the bugged jam channels is fixed, I was about to switch trackers or something insane...  :angel:

Website News Archive / Re: Recruiting
« on: October 26, 2016, 05:44:57 »
Still waiting for Saga to reply.
Is Saga the only one who is updating the Archive currently?

Website News Archive / Re: Recruiting
« on: October 26, 2016, 05:42:44 »
I would like to also apply, sorry that my reply is so late. ModArchive ID:90435
I want to apply because I have lots of spare time and the music on the site is what got me into composing in the first place.

Pages: [1]