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Messages - mkie

Pages: [1]
You have to delete the MT config file to start from scratch as your config seems to be broken.

Looks like you're on a MS Windows system. The MT config file should be in
(replace <username> with the username you're logged on)

Simply delete the file milkytracker.cfg (or even the complete directory MilkyTracker) before starting MilkyTracker again - and it should be working with a default config.

You have to delete the MT config file to start from scratch as your config seems to be broken.

Looks like you're on a MS Windows system. The MT config file should be in
(replace <username> with the username you're logged on)

Simply delete the file milkytracker.cfg (or even the complete directory MilkyTracker) before starting MilkyTracker again - and it should be working with a default config.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Scale (x1, x2, ...) not active on macOS
« on: March 27, 2023, 18:19:03 »
Sometimes the problem exists somewhere in your own head. ;)

The answer to my question turned out to be really simple:
There is no need for the scale option because the MT window can easily be RESIZED to scale it to arbitary values.

No, I didn't find that out myself - but got a hint from a nice person on the MT IRC chat. It simply didn't come to my mind that MT's window is resizeable because other trackers (clones) are not.

So - long story short:
Choose a lower resolution (eg. 800x600) for a full HD screen and resize the window and the buttons get bigger. ;D

MilkyTracker Support / Scale (x1, x2, ...) not active on macOS
« on: March 27, 2023, 13:46:41 »
The topic says it all:
I try to configure MT 1.03.00 on macOS, could already successfully change resolution but the Scale option (1x, 2x, x4, x8) can not be changed (fix at 1x and kind of "greyed out"). Could it be that this option is not active/possible in the macOS version of MT?

If so: Is there any other way to get bigger buttons?

Thanks in advance for any hints! ;D

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