MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Re: Bug when setting custom resolution to 66% of my screen size
« on: April 03, 2023, 16:06:29 »
You have to delete the MT config file to start from scratch as your config seems to be broken.
Looks like you're on a MS Windows system. The MT config file should be in
(replace <username> with the username you're logged on)
Simply delete the file milkytracker.cfg (or even the complete directory MilkyTracker) before starting MilkyTracker again - and it should be working with a default config.
Looks like you're on a MS Windows system. The MT config file should be in
(replace <username> with the username you're logged on)
Simply delete the file milkytracker.cfg (or even the complete directory MilkyTracker) before starting MilkyTracker again - and it should be working with a default config.