o.k., thing is it seems my cpu is to slow...old 1ghz machine
I've tried with alsa driver now, too, and can reproduce it happily by choosing fast sinc interpolation, unlike with the jack driver, I also get sound dropouts then...have to kill mt to get rid of it, interface just doesn't respond, but gui & sound stutter on ad infinitum...
I mean it's ok that the sound/gui get choppy when no cpu ressources are available, but I think at least input handling should get some higher priority somewhere, so one can at least stop the stuttering
but maybe it's a problem with the sdl input handler? I think I remember it can't be threaded? well, I'll try to look at the sources someday when I feel whacky...
p.s.: I found that the main ressourcekiller seems to be the graphics, mainly the scrolling tracks. i.e. 1024x768 = +/- 100% cpu usage, 800x600 = +/- 50% , with same resampling/frequency!
p.p.s.: well, I happen to like using spd = 3 and bpm's above 150. I've tried to set spd to 6 on one of my songs (making it play at half speed :p), and the cpu usage went straight down. It seems like the gui updates the trax based on the trackspeed, and doesn't skip any frames properly!
the rate is no prob., I can playback/edit at 96khz rate fine (yeah dope sound!), as long as the gui doesn't hog ressources too much...so the mt mixer is quite fine...it's the gui where the problem is, and I think some input event list just piles up totally when cpu max is reached. duh, maybe my post should've be placed at the "support" channel first. my apologies.