New feature: My FavouritesAfter an all night coding session - ok - well technically I was playing Left 4 Dead until 5am this morning, then went on to code this new feature into the site. It's now 9am and I still haven't been to bed yet!
Anyway, I digress :-D
Each member can store a list of up to
200 300 favourites for future quick reference. The list will also be publicly visible via profiles (24hrs after first addition of a favourite). This feature is new and is in Beta, so if you find problems please report them on the Mod Archive Bug Report forum.
I challenge you all to make full use of the feature list, it will be developed further at some point but let's walk before we run eh?

All members will find a new link on each module page, "Add to My Favourites". Pretty straight forward. Another link has appeared under your "My Account" menu, oddly named 'My Favourites", so go figure, huh

There you will find the module's you've added sortable in chronological order (also reversible), by file name and by title.
Here's my list of favourites (so far, lot more to add still).
I think I might go to sleep now. :-)