Hello, my name is Team NES 1. Anyone here can refer to me as Team, as NES, or even my whole user name for that matter.
So what brings me here?
What brought me here was my interest in writing chiptunes, and also the incompatibility between Antoine Rosset's PlayerPRO and my Intel MacBook which currently runs Mac OS X Leopard. I was looking for a replacement for PlayerPRO, because the unexpected shutdowns of the program angered me immensely. But then I stumbled across MilkyTracker. So far, I think it's pretty sweet. Never before have I used a tracker that is both easy to use and fully compatible with Leopard.
So, if you're looking for a free audio tracker for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, or Amiga OS 4, head on over to Milkytracker dot net, and get the latest package of MilkyTracker.