You are welcome to write about your latest creations, and post up links to your tracks that you wish to share with others. However bear in mind:
- This forum is open to all formats of music. Not just modules. Show us your skillz!
- Blatant spam will not be tolerated.
- Posts linking to websites that require registration in order to listen (let alone download) are frowned upon. Most people won't make the effort to gain access to your track.
No Speedyshare-like or free limited download sharing sites please. People won't want to trawl too far from the forum, put in capatchas and then wait 1 minute or so before they can download your track
Plus these links tend to expire, and are usually covered in malware popups.
- Posting a general
'I have new stuff check out my website/myspace/etc!!!!' is classed as spamming. Please be specific and link to a track.
That's all!