MOD "BPM" are not perfect. ... You won't get exact BPM values in classic trackers.
:'( *snif* :'(
That breakz my heart.
Come on - this is Hi-Tek 2010 but still the drummer can't play on time? This can't be true... ...there must be a solution... least a work-around.
I tried to find out the BPM by zooming closely in Ardour and adjusting the Tempo 'til the Grid fits, but am not sure about my findings, because i am not sure if HD-Recorder adds silence to the beginning of the .wav-File. So manually i came to the conclusion that the .wav-File linked above is somewhere around 86.24BPM and labile in Tempo over the course of the track (BPM changes slightly over time - this is hell!).
So the next questions would be:
1. Is there a way to calculate how much exactly Milkytracker is OFF the BPM?
2. Is Milkytracker always the same "bit" off the Beat, or does that vary over time?
3. Are the .wav-Files exported from Milkytracker via the HD-Recorder starting EXACTLY on time, or is there a little silence added in the beginning - and if there is silence added in the beginning, is the amount of added silence constant or does it vary?
4. Is it possible that this only happens in heavy-loaded tracks, so, if i constrain myself to four Tracks i can dodge that?
This is really important to find out for me, because i want to be able to produce clean Instrumentals that are easy to record on later - and that means STABLE speed that only changes if i tell it to do so.
So i am happy for any Tips that get my out of thoughtloops like "OMFSHT how could it ever come to my mind to use a computer to make music, i wasted half my life on this and the fkkking digital drumsukkka iz ztill off-beat and i'm never gonna use a stoopid machine again..." *startshackinglaptopintopieceswithbaseballbatanglegrinderaxeofdeath*