yeah, sure, when I've got time & enough space in my head to learn a few bits I'd love to contribute!
but another thing: I've managed to toggle fullscreen from shell, with a command. grip might find it useful to keep his settings, colours & envelopes he'd loose by deleting the config-file. thanks to inspiration from the posts above!!!
the command is, from your home directory, while milky is not running (it can't as it segfaults...
echo 0 | dd of=.milkytracker_config bs=1 seek=542 count=1 conv=notrunc
and milkytracker will start in windowed mode next time you launch it!
[edit] I was probably a bit too optimistic as of the config file having a fixed byte-order
please do:
dd if=.milkytracker_config bs=1 skip=528 count=10
before trying the first command. if it gives you a "FULLSCREEN" in the output (with a lot of other stats data after it, but the "fullscreen10+0" should be first), then you can switch off fullscreen mode with the first command, at least I hope worked for my system & config. otherwise I can tell you how to find the right
"skip" "seek" value yourself.