This website was using my music without permission for too long...
a warm hello from omegatronic UwU <3<3<3
The name 'Omegatronic' is most likely not this users real display name anywhere, as the name is just a psuedo-name used by hacking groups for various things, and frequently now. Don't take any messages seriously in the slightest, they're just trying to throw you off.
If I can provide any assistance, let me know. I'm a web-backend developer that has worked with PHP extensively and server management and administration. I consider myself very adaptable, so I do not believe getting me up to speed will be an issue as I always prefer to familiarize myself extensively before any considerations.
I have temporarily disabled usage of my own API key for the time being to help alleviate server usage, regardless of how small its impact would be.
Hoping the best.