All right, a bit of an odd one, but I figured this was the best place to ask.

A long time ago, back in the age-old days of Doom, some guy made some weird level set for it called "Mars War". I ran across it again a few days ago, and the midis it contains are driving me nuts now. I can recognize a few of the tunes (Satellite One in particular) as being some old modules and whatnot, and I've started trying to figure out how to identify them all. Since this
is Modarchive and this board exists, I guess I may ask for a little help.

The download link is
Here, consisting of a .zip file with a bunch of midis. Some of 'em aren't so great, but if somehow there's something you can recognize (Map02 and Map08 in particular are strikingly familiar), it would help so much.
Thanks in advance or something?