I've been pondering on that same issue - I would like to rate/comment on songs fairly often, but actually having to open my browser, go to modarchive.org, find the song, comment on song is just too demanding on my time (i usually have two or three other things i'm busy doing at the time when i hear a mod i'd like to comment on)..
How keen would you be on the idea of a modarchive integrated player? I'm looking to build something (based on the Java platform) for properly managing my mod collection, and if it could integrate neatly with modarchive, I'd be over the moon.
Have you ever heard of Plopbox? Well, they have made a java-applet player (in contrast to a standalone) however you're going to have to cater for all of the formats on the modarchive, and making a java programme play Impulse Tracker files will certainly put your box-spec to the test if anything especially when java only has (what i have read) a fairly rudimentary audio system.
- Rate/comment a song
I will not be allowing 3rd party applications to interface with the login system of the site for very obvious security reasons. You can code a wrapper to
encapsulate a specially loaded website form from modarchive.org (from which users will need to log in to), but nothing as direct as actually giving direct login and direct entering of comments via any backend system.
- View ratings/comments for a song
- View the top 10 lists (today, this week, month, etc)
- Browse modarchive directly, download a song directly into your library and play it
You will be happy to know I have developed a backend XML search/browse/random retrival that works on just basic HTTP GET requests. However, I must stipulate that modarchive.org's bandwidth is about as problematic as your own 5gb limit per month (so i have read)
So I cannot give a
big thumbs up to something which a) circumvents display of our mirror owner and sponsor's banners and b) doesn't give the opportunity for the site to display ads in order to recouperate support costs. There is currently a development ongoing of a similar standalone player (with TMA intergration for playing) for the Playstation Portable, and I have also voiced this concern to them aswell.
Another little thing I'd like to figure out it a 'currently playing' applet or something that I can put in my blog, so readers can listen to my currently playing/last played song, downloaded from modarchive (with a link to there, of course).
This would be more client side, I guess - so nothing I would be involved in?
There are probably a lot of folks out there who are looking for an app just like this, however I'd like to see a working app before I am commiting to anything as you can probably understand.
On a related note, Modarchive used to have it's own standalone Java player sometime back in the early days, but that only supported 4 channel mods and as far as I know it knocked us about quite a bit with load on bandwidth at that time. Unfortunatly the source code is not open (it's not mine either).
At least Plopbox are a working example of a working Java app (not for XM or IT files though, probably because of CPU intensity. What are your comments on that?)
All the best