Just a quick announcement that The Mod Archive has as of June 5th 2007 officially ticked over the 50,000,000 downloads mark since the inception of the counter back in Y2K. Incredible! If you want, also check our
Visitor Clustrmap to see where those who visit this site are geographically located. (The map is not related to the past downloads, it is a current analysis of the website... what the heck am I explaining this for... it's all there on the bottom of the map... ).
To mark this occasion how about a few words from our visitors, introduce yourselves, we won't bite

Also, while I have your attention; please remember that donations are what now keep this site online. We have to pay for our super sexy fast hosting. If you're passionate about mods, and you haven't already donated and want to help then please consider donating as much as you are comfortable with, all proceeds go into the hosting fund which pays for the rental and maintenance/upgrade costs.