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Author Topic: [won't fix] Renoise Modules  (Read 16358 times)

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[won't fix] Renoise Modules
« on: September 20, 2007, 06:29:28 »

I noticed there is no support to upload the renoise module format. I can understand why you don't allow this since renoise modules often require external VSTs and the like.

However there are some of us who still write complete "self contained" modules.

Wouldn't it be possible to allow such self contained modules?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 12:45:59 by m0d »


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Re: Renoise Modules
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2007, 10:50:37 »

It's quite simple. There are a number of reasons why this isn't going to happen, at least not within the forseeable future.

- Renoise is closed format. It's propriatory format for it's own tracker.
- There are no 3rd party standalone players that I am aware of for the format.
- Lack of the above means we (that is, the crew who do screening, including myself) cannot screen modules, I personally do not intend on having to either buy, install and/and purchase renoise itself, or the Windows operating system to run Renoise on in order to facilitiate this myself, let alone other crew members.
- TMA is an archive of the classic self contained formats, deviating from this places the archive among the "yet another miscellaneous music archive" category. When  you add support for one VST-capable application, there is no doubt that another one will want it too.
- Resources - TMA has been around for 10 years, and it's still growing at an astounding rate. Disk space* is and will be an issue in a few years time. I hardly want to go about opening the flood gates to exaborate this issue :)

* And I don't want to hear anyone telling me disk space is cheap  on a dedicated remote rental server, it isn't just a case of purchasing one disk, it doesn't work like that.

Like I said, the forseeable future.
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Re: Renoise Modules
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2008, 00:58:09 »

1 Renoise is closed format. It's propriatory format for it's own tracker.
2 There are no 3rd party standalone players that I am aware of for the format.
3 Lack of the above means we (that is, the crew who do screening, including myself) cannot screen modules, I personally do not intend on having to either buy, install and/and purchase renoise itself, or the Windows operating system to run Renoise on in order to facilitiate this myself, let alone other crew members.
Not that i want to change your thoughts about anything, but i feel the need to update you on a few things...:
1: false:already since Renoise 1.8, xrns is a zipped archive containing an XML file which is an open format and all samples seperately extractable in a sub-folder.

2: 3rd party problem / decision, that they don't exists does not mean there is no need for or maybe there is no other for a very considerable reason: if you still think that xrns is a closed format, how many others might still making the same wrong assumption?

3 A) Renoise demo is fully functional once installed (no trial limits), you only lack ASIO and .wav export, this has never changed. To explore the format itself a developer would get everything he needs without having to purchase it. B) Renoise also runs on Linux since 1.9.1. Even the demo-beta is open to unregistered audience which is pretty unique for the ordinary release routine applied to Renoise updates (by default Beta for registered users only).

« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 00:59:51 by vvoois »
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